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Silent Brick AIR
The Silent Brick Air is a mobile data container for the Silent Brick system. It occupies one slot in the Silent Brick Drive, Controller or Shelf and is equipped with 12 hard drives from 3 different batches. The Silent Brick Air is available in 8/12TB and 16/24TB.
The connection in the system is made as VTL or via SMB or NFS share, parallel access via an S3-compatible protocol is possible. The Silent Brick Air has integrated data loss protection by double or triple parity (SecureNAS 2P/3P) or quadruple redundancy with erasure encryption and linear file system (SecureNAS ERC or VTL).
Multiple Silent Brick Air with the same configuration can be assembled into larger volumes. As a removable, mobile container, the Silent Brick Air enables true Air Gap (physical separation).
Silent Brick Air. Easy to remove. Completely safe.