+31 (0)43 30 88 400 | office@comex.eu

Store, Secure, Save: The new reality of data storage
This is the title of our seminar session taking place during the Cloud Expo on December 6 and 7 this year! In an era when businesses and agencies are becoming increasingly aware of the limitations of cloud storage – concerns about security & privacy, hidden costs and lack of control over the system – the trend of hybrid data storage is growing rapidly. This strategy combines cloud storage with an on-premise solution, offering the best of both worlds.
During this seminar session, we will dive deeper into the world of hybrid storage and explore how to store your data in the most optimal way. All by focusing on three key themes: data security, accessibility and the financial picture.
Don’t miss this session! Find out how a hybrid strategy can help you overcome the challenges of security, accessibility and cost management! Register now for free at the this link.
A cup of coffee?
Already familiar with our systems but need more information? Or are you curious about the possibilities of our Silent Bricks and Silent Cubes? Don’t hesitate and stop by our booth (B042)! Our colleagues are ready to provide you with appropriate advice over a nice cup of coffee.
We look forward to sharing our knowledge and doing our part to improve cybersecurity for Cloud Expo attendees. Don’t miss this event, order your free ticket now!
See you soon!

Silent Bricks
With the Silent Brick system, you are equipped for all backup requirements. In one system, with one supplier and one maintenance contract.
The Silent Brick System is the flexible storage solution for complete data protection. Consisting of modern, High Performance Storage Hardware and offline-ready mobile Storage Containers. Its high integrated security makes it especially suitable for Backup and Archiving.